Tuesday, November 09, 2004

more politics, sorry

last night i managed to catch on cnn (despite my desperate attempts never ever to watch news or "news" shows) an interview by paula zahn of bob kerrey. he made the most enlightened statement about homosexuality that i think i have ever heard a politician make. she was goading him about the opinions held by the religious right and he said that according to his religion heterosexuality and homosexuality are both natural states. i thought paula was going to swallow her teeth. he didn't equivocate
or make excuses about loving the sinner or any of that crap. good for him!

i think it's time for the lefties to stop being defensive and start believing in the legitimacy of *our* morality! why do the morals of the fire and brimstone folks automatically get to be more important than anyone else's? they have us convinced, those of us who dare to disagree with them, that we are immoral because they are moral. that's fuzzy logic. i'm an atheist and a moral person and i think that is *not* a contradiction. i have actually been thinking that maybe this whole shrub situation will turn out for the best if "we" (however you want to define the vast swaths of humanity that disagree with shrub on just about everything) can start standing up for our ideals without feeling guilty about having them in the first place.


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