“talk about depressing…”
the keynote speaker today gave a very thorough overview of handheld technology, where it’s at, who’s using it, where it’s going, and why we should care. depressing is hardly what i would call it, but apparently at least one person in this room disagrees (unless she exclaimed “talk about depressing!” as a lament of how far behind the times her own library is).
i understand information overload and how that can be frustrating, but depressing? i like it when my profession acknowledges new ways of communicating as valid and interesting and useful, because i happen to think they’re valid and interesting and useful. that’s the cool thing about humans: they’re always evolving and adapting and creating. communication is what makes us human. sure, now we have to find ways to make our institutions respond to the incredible flexibility of the human mind... but isn’t that what we’re all about? libraries, to me, are the brain-trough. who wants to eat slop all the time when, really, we can fit a five star restaurant in there.
anyway, when i get back i’m going to do some research and make sure our web site is “mobilized.” we never know how people are going to want to view it, and if someone tries it and it doesn’t work i doubt they’re going to complain. they'll just chalk it up to the library not meeting their expectations. why not let that intrepid adventurer have a pleasant surprise instead?
technorati tag: cil2006
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