cutting down the tree
why i think gay marriage is the wrong tree to go barking up:
bell hooks, in feminism is for everybody, quotes mary barfoot, from the coming of black genocide,
"...the women's movement never left the father Dick's side... There was no war. And there was no liberation. We got a share of genocide profits and we love it. We are Sisters of Patriarchy, and true supporters of national and class oppression. Patriarchy in its highest form is Euro-imperialism on a world scale. If we're Dick's sister and want what he has gotten, then in the end we support that system that he got it all from." (emphasis mine)
if we allow ourselves to be placated by the scraps tossed down to us from the master's table we become complicit in our own oppression. feminism, from which the gay rights movement emerged, is not about letting women have what men have. it's not about making women into female men. feminism is about dismantling patriarchy, which is a system that injures all men, children, women, and arguably most animals, vegetables, and minerals as well. the point is not to aspire to join the powerful but to level the playing field so that we all have equal chances and choices.
so why is the queer 'community' clamoring to get what the better half have, when what they have is diseased and broken? marriage was built to benefit the wealthy landowner. not only has it been damaging to women, but it has never benifited the poor or racial & ethnic minorities. to beg for a share of "genocide profits" is not noble and righteous. it's easy. it's classist, racist and imperialist. and it's pathetic.