alas, it seems the hipster fav is pulling punches on us. this is the text of the email i just sent them in regards to a case mentioned in (among other places)
dan savage's recent column in the onion (NOT work safe, scroll down):
It is absolutely disgraceful that your company allows your pharmacy employees to refrain from doing their jobs because of "religious" concerns. It is in no way a pharmacist's decision whether or not I have access to legal prescription birth control. That is between me and my doctor and no one else. Your pharmacists have no right to impose their so-called ethics on me for any reason, and the thought that they feel like they can and that your company policy reinforces that misguided view sickens me. I will not be shopping at a Target again until you put a stop to this shameful, harmful, and discriminatory policy.
considering i just finished reading larry kramer's book,
the tragedy of today's gays, i'd say i showed considerable restraint in not peppering my email with exclamation points and frothing spittle.